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Penguins in Antarctic don't build nests like other birds. They do, however, mark their nesting territories with rocks.

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Q: Why don't king and emperor penguins build nests?
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How do penguins build their nests?

i believe they dont have nest they just walk around with the eggs between there legs

How do penguins build a den?

Penguins do not build dens. Instead, they create nests using stones, pebbles, and other materials to protect their eggs and chicks from the cold and predators. The male and female penguins take turns incubating the eggs and caring for the chicks in these nests.

How do you emperor penguins eat?

i dont know hi

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no they dont nest in coloies

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sebab die tgk tv.. haha dari kamal

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They dont occur here in England at all, they are completely restricted to the Americas. They do occur inland in New England, but have a smaller diversity than the hummingbird species in the Amazon. They do build nests and breed in the spring and summer, but ultimately migrate with the cold winters.

What type of penguins are there?

I dont know all of them but heres a few: Emperor Penguin Fairy Penguin

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Crocodiles typically make their nests out of vegetation such as leaves, grass, and sticks. They often build their nests close to water bodies like rivers or swamps to keep the eggs safe and provide easy access to water for the hatchlings.

What kind of penguins can sleep on water?

No penguins can sleep on water.

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they dont find their nests they make them from paper or dead composted leaves

Why do penguins hide?

They dont.