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The Chesapeake Bay is an estuary. It houses salt, fresh, and brackish (a mixture) of waters.

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Is the Chesapeake bay freshwater?

yes and no because it is the only one that has both salt and fresh water

Where does the salt water of the Chesapeake bay come from?

When a Newfoundland and a Golden Retriever where beaded they got the Chesapeake Bay Retriever.

The chesapeake bay divides much of this state?

The Chesapeake Bay seems like it divides Maryland into two.

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The Chesapeake Bay retriever was a breed that was founded on the shores of the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland. The bay was there long before the dog.

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The colony that was on the Chesapeake Bay was the Chesapeake Bay Colony.

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Does a Chesapeake Bay Retriever like to swim?

Generally yes. Originally bred to retrieve waterfowl, the Chesapeake Bay Retriever loves water. Swimming is a great form of exercise for Chesapeake Bay Retrievers.

Near which large bay was Jamestown located?

Jamestown, Virginia was located by Chesapeake Bay.

Is the largest bay in North America?

The largest bay in North America is the Hudson Bay located in north-eastern Canada.