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Q: Why does Saudi Arabia known to be the global political players and aspiring to be the world's superpowers?
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Which is the political party of Saudi Arabia?

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Green Party.

What kind of political system does Saudi Arabia have?

Saudi Arabia has a strong monarch system.

How is Saudi Arabia governed?

Saudi Arabia is a monarch country run by King Abdu Aziz Al Saud. There is no election or political parties in Saudi Arabia.

What countries have an Islamic political system?

It is Saudi Arabia mainly.

What type of political system is in place in Saudi Arabia?


Does Saudi Arabia have any political powers?

Very much so.

How is power divided in Saudi Arabia?

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is ruled by a Monarch system. There is a king and a royal family that dominates the legal and political system.

What was the majority of tribes in Arabia?

The majority of tribes in Arabia were the Quraish tribe, which included the Prophet Muhammad. This tribe was based in Mecca and played a significant role in the political and social dynamics of pre-Islamic Arabia.

What political and legal variables would you recommended an 1OC closely evaluate in it's consideration to reenter Saudi Arabia?

What political and legal variables would you recommended an 1OC closely evaluate in it's consideration to reenter Saudi Arabia?

What is one thing that leaders of Saudi Arabia have not done with their oil?

The one thing that leaders of Saudi Arabia have not done with their oil revenues is to ensure good political structures to back up stability in Saudi Arabia.

Which nation has no political parties no voting rights for its citizens and is ruled by a king?

Saudi Arabia

Muhammad established what city as the political center of Islam?

It was AlMadinah (or Medina) in Saudi Arabia.