

Best Answer

It was done to preserve the proof of death of the person and the proof of the death of the person.

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Q: Why does Mary queen of Scots have a death mask?
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Who were the ladies in Waiting to Mary queen of Scots?

One was Lady Elizabeth Kennedy, who was involved in a legend that she seized the Queen"s head after her execution had it preserved, and when she died ( many years later) was secretly buried with her in her casket, The dead lady in waiting was in her mourning costume with Tudor ruff and she was cradling the Head of Mary Stuart in her arms or on a small pillow. it is not known if this legend may have some truth.

Did Queen Nefertiti have a death mask?

yes she did but it wasnt as posh as tuts death mask it was made out of gold and they all think that the Romans took it and had sex with it , a tramp shaged it how rank

Who ordered the beheading of Mary Queen of Scots?

A crown executioner at Fotheringhay Castle (no longer extant) in 1587. History does not record the identity of this man. The execution instrument was an axe. He wore a mask or hood. The protocols allowed for three swings of the axe. The first strike may or may not have killed the Queen as it landed on her neck. The second blow neatly(?) severed her head from her neck and as it was held up her wig fell off. A third strike was not necessary. This was a horrible historical event and shows how serious capital punishment was taken (and applied) in the olden times. (A modern lethal injection is almost cosmetically smooth!). One author suggests, as all of her clothing that was on her at the time of the execution was burned or otherwise destroyed to avoid any relics problems, the tragic Queen may have suffered the further indignity of having been buried in the nude. This was very strongly implied by one of Mary's best biographers. blablabla

What are the release dates for Behind the Mask The Queen - 2007 TV?

Behind the Mask The Queen - 2007 TV was released on: USA: October 2007

What colour is the death mask of anamemnon?

the colour of the death mask of agamemnon is gold and the texture of the artefact is rich and soft and fluffy

What is the name of the mask pharaohs wear when they are buried?

the death mask.

Where were the death masks in Egypt?

the death mask was in the pyramid

A reddish stone used in Tutankhamen's death mask?

The reddish stone used in Tutankhamen's death mask was carnelian. The death mask is made of gold, inlaid with colored glass and semiprecious stones.

What coulors is death mask?

the colors for the death mask are blue, red, brown and black but mostly blue red and gold

What is the name of the man who did the beheading of Mary Queen of Scot?

We Don"t Know. He was an executioner of the Crown and presumably an Officer of the Royal Army(British,not Scottish)or constabulary (Police agency) he wore a Mask and other costume devices to mask his identity. the execution weapon was an AXE/The Protocol was the Exeuctioner had THREE STROKES allowed to do the job, no connections to Mr. Doubleday! The First stroke may or may not have killed the captive Queen, but the second strike completely severed her head from her body. The executioner or one of his aides then held up the head of the dead Queen and when doing thisher Red wig(Doubtless soaked in her blood) fell off There was no need for a Third strike! In comparison modern execution technicques semm positively humane and almost laundromat-like (For example lethal injections). Times Change! Read the last chapters of (mary Queen of Scots by one of the popular female authors, who was nicknamed (lady Madonna of the tennis courts) its a powerful indictment of an historical case of capital punishment, and in stark, real detail!=Author is Antonia Frazier or Fraser/ Block buster book!(no pun intended) and this was religiously motivated state violence, not accidental battle damage in Wars.

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