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Q: Why does Ghana depends on other countries?
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How does Ghana cooperate with other countries?

Ghana co-operates with 0other countries politically,economically,culturally.

Does other countries surround Ghana?


What are the names of the presidents of the third republic?

This depends on which third republic is being spoken of. This could refer to Germany or Ghana among other countries.

What are the races in Accra Ghana?

African including an assortment from many other African Countries other than just Ghana.

Jol of rice is a cuisine of which country?

Nigeria, Ghana and other African countries.

Why Ghana is one of the poorest countries in the world?

Because all the african countries are poor. They always rely on help from other countries

Why significant role did Ghana play in Africa's growing nationalist movement?

Ghana was the first region in the South of Africa to gain freedom.

What three countries in West Africa are named for ancient empire?

Ghana, Mali, and Songhai, each overlapping each other as they expand one after the other

What European country has influenced Ghana?

Mostly the UK, but other countries such as Portugal a little as well.

How many neighbouring countries does Ghana have?

Ghana has 3 neighbouring countries they are, toga, cote d'livoire and burkina faso.

Why is Ghana classified as developing countries?

Because there is a lot of poverty in Ghana.

What country does fufu come from?

Fufu is most often associated with Ghana and other northern and western African countries._________________________________________________________________Fufu comes from Ghana. It is its national dish :)- CrAziiChiiCk