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Q: Why does Azerbaijan want the Caspian to be legally categorized as a sea?
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What is the absolute location of Baku Azerbaijan?

If you use Google Earth it comes up as 49 degrees 24' North, 49 degrees 49' E. Check out Google Earth if you want something more specific. If you want relative location... it's on the West Coast of the Caspian Sea, South of Russia.

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You go to the multiplayer menu filter for caspian border and choose a server you want. That's how I remember it at least.

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Nikabrik wants to kill Prince Caspian because he disagrees with the prince's plan to restore Narnia to its former glory by bringing back the old Narnian creatures. Nikabrik believes that the Telmarines have oppressed the Old Narnians for too long and sees Prince Caspian as a weak leader who is not willing to take drastic measures to secure Narnia's future.

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In the book "Prince Caspian" by C.S. Lewis, there is no indication that Prince Caspian and Susan kissed. Their relationship is depicted more as a friendship and alliance in the battle against King Miraz.

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the second is called prince caspian

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Ben Barnes is the name of the actor who playes Prince Caspian in the movie (2008). But in the books, his name is really Caspian. Though that's his first one knows what his last name is. Maybe C.S.Lewis din't want anyone to know...or maybe he didn't want anyone to know.

If my school asks me something and i dont want to say am i legally allowed to do that?

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yes they can date whoever they want legally it does not matter where it is yes they can date whoever they want legally it does not matter where it is

You want to border crossing azerbaijan to russia and then Norway?

The boarder beetween Norway and Russia is situated all way up north ;)

Do women in Azerbaijan cover their heads?

it depends. if a woman wants to cover then she will cover and if she does not want to cover then she will not cover. so it depends on women.

I am marriage by the church but don't have licence my husband want to get marriage legally but he want a prenatal agreements before we get legally marriage what shot i do?

Don't do it get a license so you can make it official