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Because New York City was the first place in America that they saw and experienced. All immigrants into the United States landed first in New York City, and had to pass through Ellis Island, before becoming citizens.

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Q: Why do you think New York City was considered the heart of America by many immigrants?
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People who move permanently into another country?

They are actually called "Immigrants". Think about in the past of U.S. history,different people with a variety of races and backgrounds immigrated to America. Immigrated is saying that the immigrants came. So they moved to America in hope of staying.

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I think what you mean is Central America. :) So yes, it is a part of Central America.

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Yes it is a continent if north america is a continent dont you think south amerca would be a continent

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if they are legal immigrants, yes. if they are illegal immigrants, i don't think so.

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North America, (specifically the USA) has always been a 'nation of immigrants', beginning with Europeans who immigrated here, raping the environment, the natural resources and the natives. Non-European immigrants have brought industry, innovation, manual labor and diversity to America.***(Mexico, Central and South America have also been raped by European 'immigrants', only to a much greater degree).***The majority of Americans have 'immigrant' blood in their veins, from both the voluntary and involuntary 'immigrants'.***The immigrants who come here today do the work that most Americans won't. They thrive on lower standards of living than most Americans would put up with and the majority of them work harder, for less pay. They benefit the nation, as well as the economy and should be allowed to continue their immigration.***Quit your whining.***America is a very wealthy nation and most Americans are 'spoiled rotten'. The "Americans" who complain about 'immigration' seem to be complaining only about 'non-European' immigrants. Don't think for a minute that this is not obvious to the World.***Anything Americans worry about losing to 'immigrants' was most likely stolen from the Native-Americans in the first place. American society has had and will always have room at the 'bottom rung of the ladder' for immigrants, minorities, the 'under educated' and the poor. America should remain a nation of 'immigrants'.

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It made a lot of immigrants think that life in America was easy and that it was so rich that the streets were paved gold.

Why do you think immigrants support political machines?

I think some immigrants supported political machines because they could run for office aswell...

Which condition affects structures and function of the cardiovascular system which 70 percent of America suffer?

I think its atherosclerosis. It is one of the diseases that leads to heart disease and heart attacks.

Why do you think some immigrants supported political machines?

I think some immigrants supported political machines because they could run for office aswell...