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Karnataka state was formed on Nov 1, 1973. Kannada Rajotsava means the birth of the Karnataka state. Karnataka and Kannada brings in the sense of Unity. Karnataka is the land of silk, milk and gold, people hear are known for the hospitality, hardworking, peace loving. people are highly knowledgeable. Bangalore has become cosmopolitan and more than 50% of the seventy five lakh population in Bangalore are non-Kannadigas. On November 1, we celebrate the Kannada Rajotsava by recalling our glorious past rich history and also make the non Kanndigas realise the importance of this great state and importance of learning Kannada in order to understand and appreciate Karnataka better.

Karnataka has long way to go in development, nevertheless celebration also makes one to retrospect and correct oneself the course of development, if at all if there are any mistakes. the recent political nataka of Karnataka has tarnished the image to some extent. But Kannadigas will definitely set it right in the coming elections.

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