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Q: Why do two white sheep have a black lamb?
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Is a white lamb better than a black lamb?

White lambs give you white wool, while, black sheep produce black wool. So just depends whether or not you like white better than black; or black better than white. Other than that there is no other differences between the two sheep.

What is another name for yearling sheep?

a one to two year old lamb can be a ewe-lamb or a ram-lamb or a wether they can also so be called a hogget after the ewe lamb has her first lamb or is two years old she is called a ewe or as a group sheep as she gets older her meat will be called mutton

What age does a sheep become known as mutton?

A sheep is never called a Mutton. A mutton is meat from a mature domestic sheep. A Ram is an intact male sheep. A Ewe is an intact female sheep A Wether is a castrated male sheep. A lamb is a young sheep. Lambing is giving birth to sheep. A Flock is a group of sheep.

What is the alternate name for lamb?

Sheep (Ovis ares) are a more general term for lambs. Also, lamb can also be confused with hogget and mutton. A lamb is a young sheep under 12 months of age which does not have permanent incisor teeth, while hogget refers to sheep having no more than two permanent incisor teeth and mutton refers to sheep having more than two permanent incisor teeth.

What is the difference between a goat and a lamb?

Goats are Female, Lamb Is MaleGoats and sheep are two different species - lamb is a baby sheep.

What is hogget?

Hogget is a 1-2 year old sheep - the name for sheep between lamb & mutton. The way to tell hogget is if the sheep has had its first two first two permanent teeth come through. It then called two tooth or hogget

A pet lamb is a cross ram?

A pet lamb is a young sheep. A cross ram is a male sheep that has been bred from two different breeds or strains. So, a pet lamb could indeed be a cross ram, depending on its parentage.

What is the difference between lamb and goat?

Lamb is a sheep less than a year old, typically slaughtered between the ages of four and twelve months. Older sheep is called mutton and has a much stronger flavor and tougher meat that many find distasteful Contrary to conventional wisdom, in the USA any sheep under two years of age can be legally labled and sold as lamb.

What happens to black lambs when they get older?

There are two things that can happen, most suffolk lambs are born black, and once shorn, will be white. Or, sometimes if the dam is black, the lamb will also stay black. This is for suffolks anyways.... =]

If All sheeps are black Mary's lamb is white?

This statement is a play on words from the nursery rhyme "Mary Had a Little Lamb." It suggests that even though all sheep are typically black, Mary's lamb is an exception and is white in this scenario.

When does a lamb become a sheep?

A lamb becomes a sheep when it reaches the age of 12 months.

What is plural form of sheep and plural possessive?

The word sheep is one of a handful in the English language in which the singular and plural forms are exactly the same. Sheep in plural form is just sheep. You could say "I own a sheep" and you could say, "I own a flock (a group) of sheep". You use sheep interchangeably.Examples:I found a sheep in the road.John has six sheep.The dog corralled a flock of sheep.One of my sheep got mixed in with my neighbor's sheep in his sheep pen.