they play many games because they are smart and the games they make are addictive.A man in Japan married his own DS because he had a virtual wife which was a sim dating system.
42 people bulid other video games but the people which build ben 10 video games is 34
Of coure there is violence in video games! Many video games have violence in it, including call of duty.
millions of people
Most Video games have been made in japan and china, because in them are famous brands (Nintendo, Sega) because we is asian!
Here are some Japan video game imports sites, although I am not sure if there any good: Gamers
yes i asked this question and i am giong to have people answer it, so i have over 700 video games
Everyone does =)
Lots and Millions And Me
There are many different video games that allow people to do stunts on a BMX bike. One such popular video game is the 'Stunt Master' as well as other games.
to many to count