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It has been said that people who live and work temporarily in Antarctica are either mercenaries or missionaries.

Mercenaries look for financial opportunities. Since there is no where to spend money on the continent, the salaries earned can simply build up in bank accounts.

Missionaries seek to understand the passion so that they can educate others about this marvelous, exotic, extreme place on planet earth.

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9y ago
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14y ago

Land in the Arctic is accessible by humans; land in Antarctica is only accessible by (reinforced, ice-worthy) boat, and only for part of the year, since the continent doubles in size based on freezing sea ice, during the winter months.

There's nothing on the Antarctic continent that will support human life; no trees, no soil or growing season, and no animals.

(Animals come to the Antarctic continent to breed, but do not live on the continent.)

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10y ago

People are hired to live and work in Antarctica, and the choice may be between being a 'missionary' -- loving the earth and learning about the science of its health, or being a 'mercenary' -- working there simply for the money.

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10y ago

Every person who lives on the Antarctic continent lives in a research station, because these communities are the only places that support human life.

There are no cities on the continent, no national infrastructure and no life-sustaining landscapes on Antarctica.

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9y ago

Most people live and work in Antarctica to promote knowledge of the continent and it's future potential. Some are there mainly so their country can have a share in it's potential mineral wealth.

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10y ago

People live in Antarctica temporarily, because they work for their governments in pursuit of science.

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10y ago

Many people, including the Inuit, Inupiat, and Yupik peoples, are native to the Arctic. The Antarctic is uninhabitable because of its extreme cold.

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13y ago

The citizen population of Antarctica is zero (0). Antarctica houses only scientists studying various things on the continent for short periods of time.

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Why do people still decide to live in Antarctica?

People may choose to apply for work and live temporarily on the continent. There is no permanent population, no infrastructure or food chain to support any kind of casual decision to 'live in Antarctica'.

The people who live in antarctica are there to have a vacation?

Yes, people tour Antarctica on their vacations, and they live elsewhere. People who live and work temporarily in Antarctica are not on vacation.

Do gay people live in Antarctica?

Yes gay people live in Antarctica all over the world.

Do they do carvings of ice in Antarctica?

There are people who choose to use ice as their sculpting medium in Antarctica.

What are the people called who live at Antarctica?

People who live temporarily in Antarctica are called workers or scientists. There is no native population on the continent.

Does human life exist in Antarctica?

People live there but actual people are not born in the Antarctica.

Where does the people in Antarctica live?

The only people in Antarctica are scientists there on temporary assignment, and they live in shelters built by their scientific project or expedition. There is no indigenous population of humans in Antarctica.

Where do the people in antarctica do and where do they live?

they are scientist, they live in buildings.

Is there somebody living in Antarctica?

Yes, many people live in Antarctica.

How do the people in Antarctica get their eletricity?

some people think that people live in Antarctica. But there wrong. Scientist have reasarchedand they have found out that nobody on earth could live there.

What country do people live in in Antarctica?

well there is no country in Antarctica so they will be able to live wherever they want

How many native peoples live in Antarctica?

no native people lived in antarctica