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Q: Why do peanuts and cotton grow well in Georgia?
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What crops are grown in Georgia?

There was cash crops such as tobaco rice and indgo.Crops that Colonial Georgia grew were varied. However, the most popular crops were tobacco, indigo, and rice.Rice, Indigo, Cotton, and TobaccoTobacci, indigo, and rice ... along with the silk industryRice and indigo were the two main cash crops in colonial Georgia, and sugar and tobacco were important as well. Colonial Georgia existed from 1732 to was rice

Popular food of Atlanta Georgia?

Georgia is known for peaches, peanuts, and Vidalia onions.

What causes cotton to grow well in this region?

Well....What region are you in?

What climate do peanuts grow best in?

Peanuts grow well in any sandy place where it's warm for 120 to 140 days, moderately rainy (25 to 50 inches yearly), and nofrost. The plant originated in South America, perhaps Brazil or Bolivia, and now is grown worldwide. Georgia grows nearly half the US crop.

Why does cotton grow well in Texas?

sucky to dry

Can a gram seed grow in wet cotton?

For a seed to grow it needs nitrogen and as a matter of fact cotton doesn't contain nitrogen so it can't support seed growth. But fungus can grow.- If the cotton is kept moist and the proper nutrients supplied, seeds will grow in cotton very well.

Does cotton grow well in the northeast?

Cotton grows best in southern states such as Louisiana, Florida, and Mississippi.

Does cotton grow well in the summer?

Yes, it does best in warm weather.

Does Italy grow cotton yes or no?

Yes. Well you did ask yes or no.

Why to crops grow well in the southeast?

Crops grow well in the southeast due to its long growing season, high temperatures, and abundant rainfall. The region also has fertile soil and a variety of crops suited to its climate, such as corn, soybeans, cotton, peanuts, and tobacco. Additionally, the southeast's mild winters allow for year-round production of certain crops.

Do peanuts grow in Mexico?

Yes. Known as "Cacahuate", Mexico produced 82,808.96 tons of it during 2007.

What are the bad properties of cotton?

They don't grow well in areas with shorter growing days, such as in the prairie provinces of Canada, nor does it grow well in locations where overall temperature stays cooler than what cotton needs to grow. As a fabric, it tends to shrink when you wash it.