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because They Love The Country

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Q: Why do many people migrate to Southeast Asia?
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Why were so many different groups of people drawn to southeast Asia?

it was the center of trade

How many people live in south east asia?

Approximately 655 million people live in Southeast Asia.

Birds migrate to Asia?

Many bird species migrate to Asia to take advantage of its diverse habitats for breeding, feeding, and shelter. Asia's varied climates and environments provide suitable conditions for different migratory bird species to thrive. Some birds also migrate to Asia to escape harsh weather conditions in their breeding grounds.

How many nations are there in southeast Asia?


Why do people live in southeast Asia when there's so many natural disasters?

Despite the risks of natural disasters such as earthquakes, typhoons, and tsunamis, people still choose to live in Southeast Asia due to factors such as economic opportunities, cultural ties to the region, and family connections. Additionally, many communities have adapted to their environment by implementing disaster preparedness measures and building resilient infrastructure to mitigate the impact of disasters.

How were the kingdoms and empires in southeast Asia similar and different?

1. The many empires and Kingdoms of Southeast Asia were both similar and different. Buddhism was one of many exports from India that had a profound effect on the peoples of Southeast Asia. Located between China and India, the region known today as Southeast Asia was strongly influenced by both of these powerful neighbors. Even so, the distinct cultures of Southeast Asia retained their own unique identities.

How did World War 2 play a role in the eventual decolonization of Southeast Asia?

During World War II, Japanese controlled much of Southeast Asia from European nations. When the Japanese ruled the area, it showed them that Europeans were far from invincible. When the war ended, the Japanese left Southeast Asia. Europeans then wanted the land back. But many of the people of Southeast Asia did not want to live under the Europeans any longer. Southeast Asia eventually won independence and new nations were formed.

How many islands are include in insular southeast Asia?


Why do people in Southeast Asia eat fish more than other meats?

Fish are readily available in the many bodies of water.

Southeast Asia first rose to prominence because?

Southeast Asia became important in the world for many reasons. The first of these reasons was the spice trades of the colonial times.

After independence many nations in southeast Asia were ruled by what leaders?


What does living in the ring of fire do to the geography in southeast Asia?

Many deaths