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Q: Why do farmers in the southwest United States use irrigation?
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Few farmers in the southwest region use irrigation for crops?

Producers in the southwestern United States must use irrigation most of the time to raise crops, simply because, most of the time, there's insufficient moisture, without irrigation, to raise and produce crops. So the answer to this question is no.

Do few farmers in the southwest region use irrigation for crops?

Yes, many farmers in the southwest region use irrigation for crops due to the arid climate and limited rainfall. Irrigation allows farmers to sustainably grow crops by providing water directly to the plants when natural rainfall is insufficient. This practice helps increase crop yields and ensures consistent production despite the challenges of the region's climate.

What do the southwest eat?

Maize, also known as corn, was a staple crop for the indigenous peoples of the southwestern United States. Some groups practiced irrigation farming.

What river forms part of the southwest boundry of the united states?

The Colorado River forms part of the southwest boundary of the United States.

When was National Farmers Union - United States - created?

National Farmers Union - United States - was created in 1902.

Does the southwest region have deserts?

Yes, the southwest United States has several deserts.

What region is Arizona in?

Arizona is in the Southwest of the United States in North America.

What is an acequia?

An acequia, especially in the United States, is an irrigation ditch.

What are two states in the southwest region?

The states considered to be in the US Southwest are as follows: Arizona, California, Nevada, New Mexico and Utah. These states account for 16.81% of the total land area of the United States.

Where are the most deserts located in the United States?

Most deserts are located in the southwest United States.

What are some countries in the desert southwest?

The desert southwest of the United States falls within the borders of the United States but two of the actual deserts extend into Mexico.

What are the southwest region's landmarks?

The Grand Canyon is a major tourist attraction in southwest United States. It is located in Arizona.