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People in china can only have 1 child because the population is growing. They have to be rich to support another child. If they do have another child it is either adopted or killed.

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Q: Why do china people how 1 child?
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Related questions

How much do people have to pay for breaking the 1 child policy in china?

Pay more tax until the child is 18.

What percentage of the people in China are subject to the 1 child policy?

100%. Everyone is suppose to comply with the law.

Why did some people in china consider the 1 child policy a good idea?

to keep the bursting population in control

Why do they have the china 1 child policy?

to bring down China's huge population

Agree or disagree on one child policy in china?

I disagree with the one child policy in China because China is a country and they can fit more people in it, it is cruel to the citizens and families living in China

When was china's 1 child policy bought in?

In 1979.

Why did China's Communist Party impose the one child policy on the Chinese people?

Because there are too many people in China so to reduce to population the one child law was made

In China how many children can you have?

1 OR 2 children because there are so many people in china Rich families sometimes have more, but you have to pay a fee for each extra child you have.v yhjtft5;/bhn, yklhrfgdv shj

What are the laws of modern China?

The only law that I know is that you can only have 1 child in China. If you have more than 1 child, or is pregnant with another child, you will be beaten down until you agree to have an abortion. Cruel huh! :p

Is there a policy of only having 1 child in china?


Does India have a 1 child policy?

No! That's just China!

Where in china is the one child policy?

Everywhere. China is so big that you are only allowed one child. If your first child is a girl you are allowed one more child. Did you know that in china one child is born every minute. In rural areas people are usually allowed to have more than one child.