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Yodeling was invented in Switzerland

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Do you like to sing yodel songs?

Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeellllllllllllllllllooooooooooooooooooooooo! I love to sing my yodel yodel yodel songs! Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!

Why do cats yodel?

Cats yodel because they are trying to communicate. Sometimes they yodel when they're hungry, and sometimes they will yodel when they are trying to talk to other cats.

What actors and actresses appeared in The Yodel Within - 2011?

The cast of The Yodel Within - 2011 includes: Joe Commins as Yodeling Joe Al Dussold as Yodel Enthusiast Dolores Dussold as Yodel Enthusiast Joseph Ecker as Yodel Mentor Maria Ecker as Yodel Mentor Bart Plantenga as Yodel Historian

How do you use yodel in a sentence?

It's not easy to yodel well.

When was Rock'n Yodel created?

Rock'n Yodel was created in 1979.

When was Blue Yodel created?

Blue Yodel was created in 1933.

Which European country recycles the most?

I don't know but I know that Scotland is the worst! :) but my guess that Switzerland is. yodel yodel yodel

Why did people yodel?

people often yodel as a tradition or threy are just doing it to have fun. they yodel to here echos and even possibly to communicate.

When was Yodel the Cowboy Way created?

Yodel the Cowboy Way was created on 1998-01-13.

What are the release dates for Yodel Mountain - 1951?

Yodel Mountain - 1951 was released on: USA: September 1951

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