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there not blood thirst visous things like they are made out to be they are like scanvers they eat almost anyhring

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15y ago
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14y ago

Piranhas will eat anything even their own kind when the're hungry.

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Q: Why do Piranhas eat other Piranhas?
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Could piranhas eat other piranhas?

No because of how vicious piranhas are they will try to eat young

Can other animal eat Piranhas?

Many animals eat piranhas, caimans, wading birds, and jaguars, and giant otters.

When baby piranhas are 2 months old do some of them start taking bits out of each other?

Piranhas will eat almost anything. Baby piranhas will eat whatever they can find. If there is nothing for them to eat, their last resort is to eat each other. However, this does not happen often.

Can people eat piranhas?

yes, some peoples in the world it piranhas :)

What kind of plants do piranhas eat?

piranhas eat aquatic plants.

Do piranhas eat otters?

Large group of piranhas can hunt otters and eat them.

Can a school of piranhas eat a dog?

Yes. A school of piranhas can eat a dog.

Are piranhas carnivores or omnivores?

Piranhas are omnivores as they eat meat and some plants. They will sometimes hunt and eat their food, like carnivores, eating herbivores and other omnivores.

Can piranhas be around other fish?

Da! there just going to probably eat the other

Are piranhas carnivores omnivores or herbivores?

Piranhas are omnivores as they eat meat and some plants. They will sometimes hunt and eat their food, like carnivores, eating herbivores and other omnivores.

What kind of birds do piranhas eat?

Groups of adult piranhas eat geese and herons.

Why do piranhas eat humans?

piranhas eat humans beacause theyare attracted to blood