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Answer 1

What is the problem? The Majority of Muslims are Sunnis (over 85%). However, both Sunnis and Shiaa Muslims differ in minor and side issues and both agree on the basic Islamic issues. So, it doesn't make so much difference to Sunni or Shiaa Muslim. Refer to question below.

Answer 2

As for Morocco in particular, there are particular historical reasons why Morocco currently has a Sunni Muslim majority. Prior to the arrival of the Islamic Armies in the late 670s and 680s Morocco was primarily Animist with small populations of Christians (especially along the Mediterranean Coast) and small populations of Jews (in the Atlas Mountains). Morocco converted to Sunni Islam quite rapidly in the 680s and 690s CE since many Amazigh (Berbers) wanted to take part in the new Umayyad Empire.

However, a small minority of Moroccans embraced Zaydi Shiite Islam and used the religious difference to promote self-rule, leading to the independent Shiite Idrissid Dynasty in the 780s to the 970s. The Fatimids eventually conquered the area bringing about a period of Ismaili Shiite Islam in Morocco. By the time that the Almoravids conquered most of Morocco in the 1040s, Morocco was mostly Shiite.

However, the Almoravids were Sunni from the Maliki School and pushed for the increasing dominance of Sunni Islam. After the Almoravids came the Almohads who discriminated harshly against Shiite Muslims and led to most of the country becoming Sunni from the Maliki School. From this point forward, every Moroccan Dynasty would support this form of Islam until it became almost unanimous, save for the Jewish and Christian populations still in the country. The Christians departed for the most part after the colonial period. The majority of the Jews left after the Establishment of the State of Israel, leaving a community of less than 4,000 individuals in Morocco.

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"Sunni" is not a person. It comes from the word "Sunna" which means "customs and traditions [of Islam]". A "Sunni" is a person who follows the "Sunna".Answer 2According to Shia Islam a Sunni Muslim is a Muslim who does not believe in Imamat (choosing the leader who inherent divine knowledge of prophet SAWW by God after prophet) as one of the five pillars of Islam.

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2 shahadat i sneeded like sunni. but shia should believe in Imamat as a pillar of Islam.

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What Sunni means?

Answer 1Sunni literally means who follow Sunnah (practice) of prophet Muhammad SAWW. but shia Muslims believe they are real sunni. according to shia Muslims any Muslim who does not believe in Imamat as one of five pillars of Islam is a sunni Muslim.

What is a Sunni means?

Sunni is a sect of Islam

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Does Morocco have a main religion?

Yes. The overwhelming majority of Moroccans follow Sunni Islam of the Maliki School. There are religious minorities of Jews, Christians, and Atheists (mostly in the closet) that cumulatively come to less than 5% of the population.

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