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We do not believe that the commandments can't be followed outside of Israel!! Jews all over the world follow the commandments! There are some commandments we can't follow such as those pertaining to animal sacrifice because we do not have a Temple in Jerusalem. But other commandments are followed by Jews from Argentina to Zimbabwe!

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Q: Why do Jews believe that the commandments can't be followed outside of Israel?
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of Brody Abraham ben Israel has written: 'SeMa\\' -- subject(s): Commandments, Six hundred and thirteen, Six hundred and thirteen Commandments

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The major language in Israel is Hebrew, followed by Arabic, English, and Russian.

Who discovered the ten commandments?

God is the author of The Ten Commandments. The giving of the Ten Commandments by God to Moses, and through him to Israel, is described in Ex. 19:16-20:21; 32:15-19; 34:1. Commandments have been given since the time of Adam and on through succeeding prophets. The original Ten Commandments to be given to the people of Israel were replace by another set of commandments because of the peoples disobedience. The first ten contained God's Higher Law, while the second set contained a Lesser law.