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Jerusalam and the surrounding area is an integral part of each religion's (and in the case of the Jews, culture's) history. Various events which are of significance to each occurred there, and so many places there are considered holy that the area itself is simply labelled 'Holy Land'.
It is consideted the place God visited

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12y ago

All three religions venerate the Torah, the Old Testament of The Bible. They all believe they were descendants of Abraham and see both Abraham and Moses as Prophets. Jerusalem is the Capital of Israel which is where Moses led the Hebrews after freeing them from Slavery. The Temple Mount is where Solomon built a temple where God was suppose to be worshiped. This is also the place where Abraham was suppose to offer up his son Isaac, before being stopped by an angel.

When Jesus came around, it was under rule by Roman pagans. Jesus was a revolutionary raising people to overthrow the Romans and bring the Kingdom of Heaven back to Jerusalem.

The Dome of the Rock is also located in Jerusalem. Which, was built where Muhammad rose to heaven with the angel Gabriel. It is also the stone where Abraham was about to Kill his son Isaac.

All three religions stem from the same place and share similar beliefs, they all see value in the region, because this is suppose to be the Kingdom of God.

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12y ago

It was the place of birth of many Prophets like Zachariah, John, Jesus, Jacob... and it was where Prophet Abraham, father of Isaac and Ishmael; ancestor of Arabs lived.. may peace be upon them all.

To it, Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, traveled during night, prayed in the Holy MAsjid then rose to heaven where he met the former messengers and reached to where the Throne is, in a jurney called: Al-Israa wal-Miiraj.

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11y ago

There are two main reasons.

(1) All of the places that Jesus lived were in Ancient Israel, and as a result, that is the Holy Land for Christianity.

(2) Using the term "Holy Land" makes it easier for individuals who do not want to take a side in the Israel/Palestine controversy to refer to the area without seeming to take one side by choosing one name.

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12y ago

G-d gave Jerusalem to the people and out of it arose great miracles

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13y ago

Jerusalem is called the Holy Land because it is where rebuildings and distruction happened....

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