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Jerusalem is the one universal holy site in all of Chrisitianity. Every christian group, Mormons, Lutherans, Catholics, Orthodox Christians whoever, have holy sites for their specific sect (Salt Lake City for Mormons, Rome for Catholics, Mt Athos for Orthodox Christians) but every christian holds Jerusalem as a holy site because it is the site of the begining of the christian faith, the crusifixion of Jesus Christ.

Jesus was crusified on the mount in Jerusalem and it is this ultimate sacrafise and resurection which led to the original foundation of the faith. Pilgrimages to Jerusalem began soon after the crusifixion but were banned under the Roman Empire, a pagan kingdom. The Pilgramage of Helen, the mother of Roman Emperor Constantine marked the begining of a new Era, she constructed upon the claimed site of the crusifiction the Church of the Nativity, the oldest sanctified Church in Christendom. Her son made it legal to practice Christianity as well as the state religion of the Roman Empire.

Christians going toJerusalem flourished while it was under Eastern cotroll of the Byzantines, they lost control to the Arabs from the south and thus the crusades begun. While Catholics controlled the Holy Land, knights guarded the pilgrims to Jerusalem, check points, rest stops, and holy sites along the way were all guarded and protected by the church and the Knights templar. Pilgrimages ceeded in the 1200's when the Muslims officially took back the city and Holy Land, thus catholics refused to return to the holy land

Today pilgrimages for Islam, Christianity and Judaism are popular regions to visit the Tri-Holy City of Jerusalem.
Because they want to walk in what they perceive to be the footsteps of Jesus.

By visiting the places Jesus was said to have been they feel they can be closer to him.

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Because they want to walk in what they perceive to be the footsteps of Jesus.

By visiting the places Jesus was said to have been they feel they can be closer to him.

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Q: Why do Christians go on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem?
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Why is jeruslum a pilgrimage site?

Jerusalem is a pilgrimage site because it is "The City of God" for both the Christians and Jews. It is the original site for Solomon's Tabernacle. It is also the location of the crucifixion of Christ and his resurrection. Millions worldwide who are believers or Christian/Jewish people dream of being able to go to Jerusalem and to go to the wailing wall, which is part of the foundation of the tabernacle. Jews will get the tabernacle or rather temple rebuilt in the future. This is a goal of both Jews and Christians. And it will be located in Jerusalem.

Why would a catholic want to go to Jerusalem?

Because Catholics are Christians and Christ was a Jew. Christians believe he is the Jewish messiah. Christ died and was resurrected in the city. It is therefore a holy Christian site, worthy of pilgrimage.

Which religious sects go on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem?

Jerusalem is a holy city for three major religions:JewishChristianMuslim

What are the holy cities of Christians and Muslims?

The "holy cities" of Judaism and Christianity is Jerusalem. Jerusalem is important to Christians because it is the city in which Jesus was born. Jerusalem is important to Jews because of the great temple that was built in Jerusalem. The "holy city" of Islam is Mecca, where the Islamic people do their "pilgrimage".

How can you make a free pilgrimage to Jerusalem?

What you should do is choose a religious group that strikes your fancy and see if you can't go with them. With Jews, the obvious answer is to go with Birthright for a free trip, but Christians and Muslims have their own unique organizations.

Why is Jerusalem an important place of pilgrimage for Christians?

Jerusalem is where Islam's third most holy site, The Mosque of Al-Aqsa, is located. For Jews, Jerusalem is important because it is the site of their holiest place, the temple mount. For Christians it is important because Jesus was crucified, buried and rose from the dead in Jerusalem. Muslims, Jews and Christians all come to Jerusalem on pilgrimages to see it.

Why is it important for christians to go to Jerusalem?

Jerusalem has some significance for Christians as that is where Jesus was crucified but really it is just a city there is nothing holy or important about Jerusalem for Christians. There is nothing important about going there.