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Q: Why didn't Ghana's son inherit throne after he died?
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Queen Mary I (Mary Tudor, Bloody Mary) did accede the throne when her brother, King Edward VI died.

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his son did not inherit the throne

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Nero became emperor after Claudius died. He inherited the throne in 54 A.D. and ruled to 68 A.D. when he committed suicide.

Why didn't a son of George II inherit the throne?

Elizabeth I did not have any children (i.e. "The Virgin Queen")

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Neither Elizabeth I or II were appointed. They ascended the throne because they were born to royalty and were in line to inherit the throne. Elizabeth I was the second child of Henry VII and third in line. When her brother Edward and sister Mary both died childless, Elizabeth inherited the throne. Elizabeth II was the oldest child and had no brothers so she was first in line to inherit the title when her father died.

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Heirs at law are the persons who would inherit the property of a decedent who died with a Will.Heirs at law are the persons who would inherit the property of a decedent who died with a Will.Heirs at law are the persons who would inherit the property of a decedent who died with a Will.Heirs at law are the persons who would inherit the property of a decedent who died with a Will.

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Why didnt Mary kill Elizabeth?

From what I know Mary did try to kill Elizabeth but Elizabeth went into hiding. Elizabeth stayed in hiding till Mary died and then came out and claimed the throne.

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His father died therefore giving him the throne.

What Officially ended the Stuarts' line of succession to the English throne?

This depends on how you mean. Anne, Queen of England and Ireland, younger daughter of James VII and II, died childless, thus there were no more Stuarts to inherit the throne, leaving it to the House of Hanover. However, because the monarch died childless doesn't mean that the house ended there. The Royal house of Stuart died out with the death of Cardinal Henry Benedict, brother of 'Bonnie' Prince Charles Edward.

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