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The Eastern European Nations were controlled by the Soviet Union, a communist government, and they did not have self-rule nor could they have free trade with the rest of the world as the Western European nations did. The USSR also refused help from the democratic western nations so they did not have all that help to fix up and grow the economies of the Eastern Nations.

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The Marshall Plan helped the West recover faster -Apex

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Q: Why did western Europe economies grow faster then eastern Europe economies after World War 2?
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Why did western European economies grow faster than eastern European economies grow faster after world war 2?

Under pressure from Stalin, Eastern European countries refused aid from the United States.

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The Marshall Plan helped the West recover faster. under pressure from stalin, eastern Europe countries refused aid from the united states

Why did western European economies grow faster than eastern European economies after World War II?

The Marshall Plan helped the West recover faster. under pressure from stalin, eastern europe countries refused aid from the united states

Why did Western European economies grow faster than Eastern European economies after World War 2?

There were several reasons. Central planning under communism, especially as dictated by Moscow, was less efficient than capitalism at overcoming the damage left by the war and restoring growth. The USSR did not provide sufficient funding to their satellite nations. Under pressure from Stalin, Eastern European countries refused aid from the United States under the Marshall Plan.

Why did western European grow faster than eastern European economies after world war 2?

There were several reasons. Central planning under communism, especially as dictated by Moscow, was less efficient than capitalism at overcoming the damage left by the war and restoring growth. The USSR did not provide sufficient funding to their satellite nations. Under pressure from Stalin, Eastern European countries refused aid from the United States under the Marshall Plan.

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Why did Eastern European economies grow faster than European economies after World War 2?

There were several reasons. Central planning under communism, especially as dictated by Moscow, was less efficient than capitalism at overcoming the damage left by the war and restoring growth. The USSR did not provide sufficient funding to their satellite nations. Under pressure from Stalin, Eastern European countries refused aid from the United States under the Marshall Plan.

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news when a round faster