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Q: Why did they only allow catholics to move to new France?
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Why did Catholics settle in Maryland?

Maryland was settled by Catholics as it was the only colony at the time that would allow them to practice their faith without fear of persecution.

Why the name change From Catholic to Roman Catholic?

The "name change" was only made by protestants in England who thought they could be Catholics without acknowledging the Pope in Rome, they are the ones who first started referring to Catholics as Roman Catholics so as to allow themselves to be "Anglo" Catholics. There was never any official name change.

Are Catholics committing idolatry?

No, Catholics do not commit idolatry. Catholics worship only God.

Why were french colonists slow to settle in new France in the 1600s?

Because only who were Catholics could settle and they couldn't own land

Do catholics and protestants fight anywhere apart from ireland?

Yes. The 17th Century was dominated by religious wars between Protestants and Catholics, including conflicts in France, Spain, Portugal, England, The Holy Roman Empire, and most of Western Europe. Currently, though, the Irish conflict is the only international conflict between Catholics and Protestants.

Whom do Catholics often worship?

Catholics worship (latria) only God.

Did Maryland only tolerate Catholics?

It was intended to be a haven for English Catholics.

What day does France go to Church?

In the Catholic Church, not many. France used to be one of the highest countries in church attendance. I think now it is down to only 4% of catholics who attend Mass regularly. In the US, where it used to be 70% in the 1970's, it is down to less than 20%.

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Only if the Bering Straights were to freeze over enough to allow a vehicle to drive across.