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Bethlehem is a lot closer to Jerusalem than you might think: they're less than ten miles apart. So you've been following this star for a couple hundred miles, and it's hanging there essentially over New York City. Is it going to occur to you that you REALLY want Secaucus, New Jersey?

No, of course not, you'll go into Manhattan and ask "Hey, dudes, what's up with the star?"

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Q: Why did the wise men stopped in Jerusalem?
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How did the wise men skirt Jerusalem?

The wise men did not skirt Jerusalem. They came into Jerusalem to find out where the King of the Jews was born and after talking to Herod (the Great) they left Jerusalem and travelled to Bethlehem. Then we are told that after they left Bethlehem they took another route home. There were no doubt many small roads that went around Jerusalem.

Where did the three wise men look for jesus first?

The three wise men first were led to Jerusalem, then Bethlehem. (Matthew 2:1-12)

What brought the wise men from the East to Jerusalem?

The wise men from the East were following the star of Bethlehem, which they believed signified the birth of a king. They came to Jerusalem seeking the location of the newborn king so they could pay homage to him.

How did the wise men know in which town they would find baby Jesus?

The wise men followed the star to Jerusalem and then asked Herod the Great where the "new born King" was to be born. Herod inquired of the chief priests and scribes and they told him, Bethlehem. Then the wise men followed the star to where Jesus was.

Dir ection of the three wise men?

They came from the East (Matthew 2) so they must have gone west to Jerusalem.

Where was Herod when the wise men visited him?

We cannot know for sure, but he was most likely in his palace in Jerusalem or in one of his many fortresses or palaces in Israel.

What guided the wise man to Jesus?

The north star. COMMENT: The star that guided the wise men to Jesus was a special star. It appeared in the East and moved toward Israel. The wise men followed it to Jerusalem and after being told by Herod the Great that the new born King was to be born in Bethlehem the wise men left and "Behold" the star moved over the place where Jesus was Born. (Bethlehem). Regular stars do not do this. This star was HIS star.

How is Jerusalem related to the birth of Jesus Christ?

All Jerusalem was troubled when Herod the king heard from the wise men that they had seen the star in the east, of the King of the Jews. Herod then told the wise men to let him know as soon as they had found the young child; for, said he, "I may worship him too." Matthew 2.1-12)But of course, as we hear later, Herod wanted to kill the child.

Did the wise men fine jesus on Jan 1?

The man from the east came after the family went back to Jerusalem probably several months after Jesus birth

Where did the wise men live before they met Jesus?

Matthew 2:1 says "Now after Jesus was the days of Herod the King, wise men from the East came to Jerusalem" .....v.2 "for we have seen His star in the East......."This is all the information the Bible gives to us on these wise men.Scholars believe the wise men were from Babylonia or beyond: that they were Eastern astrologers (not modern astrology). If this is so, they were most likely trained students of the stars which was somehow understood by them to be a sign of the birth of Jesus, v.2 ...."the King of the Jews."The word "East" simply means in an easterly direction, east of Jerusalem.

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How long was the trip for the wise men after they saw herod?

It could be a matter of days, from Jerusalem to Bethlehem, we must remember that they traveled on camels, and they do not move fast like horses do.