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The south wanted slavery but the north thought it was wrong which created a politacal war escalading into a war.

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Q: Why did the states fight in a war when Lincoln was president?
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What wars was Lincoln in?

Lincoln was the president during the United States Civil War, but he did not fight.

Did Abraham Lincoln fight in a war?

in 1861 president Abraham Lincoln, Went to war with the southern states witch had seceded from the union

Who was the president of the us in civil war?

Abraham Lincoln was president during the US Civil War.

During the Civil War who was president?

Abraham Lincoln was President of the United States of America during the Civil War. Jefferson Davis wa President of the Confederate States of America during the Civil War.

Who is President Lincoln and what did he do?

Abraham Lincoln was the 16th president of the United States. He was the president during the Civil War and also freed the slaves within the United States.

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Emancipation (for slaves) is what President Lincoln hoped and fought for during the Civil War.

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Abraham Lincoln was the president during the United States Civil War

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president Lincoln

Who was the United states president during the war?

Abraham Lincoln

Did Lincoln fight in the US Civil War?

He was the President and Commander-In-Chief. He led the USA, he did not fight the war like a common soldier, or general.

Who was the President of the north and south during the Civil War?

Lincoln served from 1861 to 1865; Johnston from 1865 to 1869. Grant took office in 1869. (The war ended in 1865.)

Who was the President of the US druing the Civil War?

Abraham Lincoln was president during the United States civil war