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Because they didnt have a good enough rock

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Q: Why did the pigrams leave Massachusetts?
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Where did pigrams first settle?

The Pilgrims which i believe is what you are asking first settled in what is now Plymouth Massachusetts, there boat landed at the Plymouth Rock

What caused people to leave the Massachusetts bay colony?

What caused people to leave the Massachusetts Bay Colony is that church leaders or ministers did not take ideas from their own. Some were forced out of Massachusetts.

When did roger Williams leave Massachusetts?

In 1635

Why did people leave Massachusetts?

Revolutionary War?

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is it possible to avoid procicution in Massachusetts after 6yrs/

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What year did the first europeans leave from Massachusetts?

i dont no

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why did some settlers leave Massachusetts bay colony to find their own settlements

Why did Thomas Hooker leave the colony Massachusetts bay?

Thomas Hooker was forced to leave the Massachusetts Bay Colony. He had to leave when he disagreed with the Puritan leaders.

Established Providence after he was ordered to leave the Massachusetts colony?

roger Williams

What colonies did Anne Hutchinson live in?

Massachusetts before she was forced to leave

What happened to dissenters of Puritan rules in Massachusetts?

they were forced to leave their colony.