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Union means exactly that - a union, in this case of England, Scotland and Wales. Jack is another name for a flag. A jack is a particular kind of flag.

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Q: Why did the person who choosed to call the British flag the Union Jack?
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Name of British flag?

Union Flag, or more casually the Union Jack

When was the British Union Jack adopted?

it is the union flag on land and the union jack at sea

What is the nickname for British flag?

The nickname for the British flag is the Union Jack. Although it is only correctly known as this when flown on a ship.

What is the name of flag in UK?

I'm not sure what you mean by 'special name', but the official name for the British flag is: Union Jack

What is the name of british flag?

-- Flag vs Jack --The British Flag is called the 'Union Flag', as it is comprised of the crosses of St Andrew (Scotland), St George (England) and St Patrick (Ireland). St David is not included because Wales is a Principality, not a Kingdom.The flag is called the 'Union Jack' when flown from a ship.

What does the union jack on the new Zealand?

It was part of the British common wealth.

Why is the union jack on New Zealand's flag?

The Union Jack appears on the New Zealand flag because in 1841 New Zealand became a British colony and the union flag is symbolic of this fact.because its the same time and the same Queen xxx

What does the Union Jack stand for on australian flag?

The union jack on the Australian Flag is from the first white people to settle on our land, the British. The British flag is JUST the union jack, so, to celebrate the people who first settled in Australia, we have their flag in part of OUR flag. Hope that helps :)

What are some unique British gift ideas?

Some unique British gift ideas include a Union Jack flag or iPhone case. You can even find shirts or shorts with pictures and design of the Union Jack.

What is the union jack on the Australian flag called?

Because Australia was founded by British.

Why does America not have the union jack on their flag?

because they attained independence from the british and decided to establish their own flag (although the union jack used to be part of the flag, instead of stars)

Is new zealand part of the british colony?

As long as we have the union jack on our flag yes we are