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They did not leave , they were expelled.

After Northern Kingdom of Israel was conquered by Assyrians, they drove the best craftsmen and wealthy people who could pay the ransom to another parts of the Assyrian Empire.

Some 100 years later, after Babylonia conquered the Southern Kingdom of Judah, they did the same.

Then Romans expelled Jews from Jerusalem and its suburbs after bar Kokhba Revolt.

And finally, in 1012, Muslims who conquered Palestine in 637 expelled Jews again. In 1012, Calif Al Hakim issued an edict that all non-Muslims in Palestine must either "embrace Islam"- or leave the land. A part of Jews and Christians agreed and accepted Islam, but the absolute majority refused- and were expelled. Muslims took their land , houses and other properties.

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Nat Olson

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2y ago
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11y ago

Certainly many Jews who survived the Holocaust wanted to go to Israel as it was trying to create a truly Jewish state. However, those Jews who tried to go home after the war found squatters living on their property who did not want to return the property to its rightful owners. Anti-Semitism had become entrenched, especially in smaller, less educated communities. Jews no longer had a place in Europe and wanted to live where they would not have to worry about discrimination.

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14y ago

If you are talking about before the Exodus, it was because there was a terrible famine.

If it was from the time of the Babylonians and the Romans, we were captured and exiled from israel.

For the Babylonians, we were exiled for about 50 years.

For the Romans, we have been exiled until 1948 when Israel was established as a nation.

During our second exile, the Muslims took over Israel and now claim they were there before the Jews, which is proven false.

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8y ago

They did not leave , they were expelled.

After Northern Kingdom of Israel was conquered by Assyrians, they drove the best craftsmen and wealthy people who could pay the ransom to another parts of the Assyrian Empire.

Some 100 years later, after Babylonia conquered the Southern Kingdom of Judah, they did the same.

Then Romans expelled Jews from Jerusalem and its suburbs after bar Kokhba Revolt.

And finally, in 1012, Muslims who conquered Palestine in 637 expelled Jews again. In 1012, Calif Al Hakim issued an edict that all non-Muslims in Palestine must either "embrace Islam"- or leave the land. A part of Jews and Christians agreed and accepted Islam, but the absolute majority refused- and were expelled. Muslims took their land , houses and other properties.

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9y ago

It depends on conditions in their country of origin and those in the country of reception. Typically, Jews fled countries when Anti-Semitic sentiment was high to go to places where it was lower.

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8y ago

The Diaspora (scattering of the Jewish people) began because we were unable to live in the Holy Land. The prophets had constantly warned the Israelites that ignoring the Torah would result in exile.
1) Around 2600 years ago, the Assyrians forcibly exiled the Ten Israelite tribes to points unknown. A small percentage of each of these tribes is still among us, but most of them were exiled and didn't return.
2) Around 2500 years ago, the Babylonians destroyed the First Temple and forcibly exiled the remainder of Israel's population to Babylonia. (See: The Destruction)
While the Jews were permitted to return to Israel (Judea) seventy years later, and tens of thousands did so (and rebuilt the Temple), most of them remained in Babylonia, while others began to settle in North Africa, southern Europe, the Crimea, throughout the Near East and elsewhere.

3) In 68 CE, the Romans destroyed the Second Temple. The Romans did not force the Jews out of Judea in a single expulsion. Rather, the Romans expelled them from Jerusalem only; and the rest of Judea lost its Jews slowly, over a period of centuries, as living there became too harsh. Even then, we have records of Jewish communities who lived in Judea (Palestine) during the entire period of the last two millenia. (See:History of the Jews in Israel)

Those Jews who left Judea went to southern Europe, North Africa, Arabia, the Near East, and (slowly) further afield (especially throughout Europe).

See also:

Jewish history timeline

Where do Jews live today?

Related topic:
The diaspora (scattering) was difficult for us:

1) Because certain mitzvot (such as those related to agriculture in the Holy Land) now became suspended for the duration of the exile.

2) Because of the impediment to communication between the various communities. This could lead to the development of rivaling groups, each claiming to be authentic.

(See for example: What are the Karaites?)

3) Because the Jews were now a minority among other nations, who were sometimes quite hostile.

4) Along with the Torah, the Land of Israel (Judea) and the Holy Temple had been central to Judaism. It now was to be seen whether Torah-observance could be maintained on the high level that those ideal factors had been conducive to.

Related topic:
How did the diaspora affect the Jews?
To a certain extent, the diaspora caused the various Jewish communities to take on minor aspects of their host countries.
The religion itself was affected little, if at all, since all Jews share the same Torah and Talmud, and differences within halakhah (Jewish laws) are relatively small. In addition, the Jews were dissuaded from assimilating because the Romans were the polar opposite of Judaism; plus the fact that some of their greatest historians spewed diatribes of hate against the Jews.However, in secondary matters of culture such as pronunciation, mannerisms, and introduction of new vocabulary, every community is influenced somewhat by the others among whom they dwell; so some traits of our regions of residence have rubbed off on us. Examples are the differences in pronunciation and accent (for the Hebrew alphabet), differences in dress, and minor differences in customs.

See also:

Maintaining Judaism during the exile

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12y ago

The people of Israel were forced out of their land because they chose to worship idols contrary to the commandments given them.

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11y ago

Persecution drove Jewish Emigres to Middle East and USA

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12y ago

They were exiled.

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Q: Why did the people of Israel leave their land?
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