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Because it is dry country- little rainfall.

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Q: Why did the farmers who settled in the panhandle and west Texas need to adopt dry farming methods?
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Which system of farming is whereby farmers remain settled in one place to grow their crops?

Sedentary farming is a system where farmers remain settled in one place to grow their crops. This type of farming allows for better utilization of the land and resources over time, leading to more sustainable agricultural practices.

What is a disadvantage of settled farming?

One disadvantage of settled farming is the vulnerability to crop failure due to factors such as droughts, pests, diseases, or natural disasters. This can lead to food shortages and economic hardships for farmers.

When and where did Early farmers begin?

Farming began in the Indus valley in the Mesolithic age. In the neolithic age these farmers started to lead a settled life to tend to their crops an look after their livestock.

What is the difference between bronze age farmers and neolithic farmers?

Bronze Age farmers used metal tools and weapons made from bronze, which allowed for more efficient farming and increased productivity. Neolithic farmers, on the other hand, were known for their use of stone tools and the development of agriculture, marking the transition from a hunter-gatherer lifestyle to settled farming communities.

What are facts about the JA ranch?

The J.A ranch is one of the oldest ranch in the Texas Panhandle, has an illustrious history, tied to one family since the Panhandle was first settled.

What farmers settled in Kansas?

Many different farmers settled in Kansas starting in 1854. Mennonites came from Russia and brought wheat farming techniques with them, for example, and former slaves move to West Kansas, especially in Graham County. However, by the end of the 1800s, the largest group of immigrants were German-speaking people from Germany and Russia.

Why did the ancient Greeks need warriors?

Before they settled, as nomads they raided farming communities for spoils so needed to be fighters. When they settled on the land as farmers they needed to defend their land against nomads, pirates and indeed other citiy-states, trying to pillage them.

What is settled farming?

Settled Farming is the practice of farming an area permanently where the soil is good (fertile) and the water source is reliable. This usually occurs in the Ethiopian Highlands, around Lake Victoria, where millet, coffee, corn, and cacao are grown, Along the Nile, where cotton and sugar cane are found, in Mediterranean Africa, where most farmers grow wheat, and Southern Africa, where wheat, corn, vineyards, rice, and citrus fruits are grown.

Settled farming communities began to appear in Egypt Nubia by around?

Settled farming communities began to develop in Egypt and Nubia around 5000 B.C.

Where did many colonists settle in order to get land for farming?

Colonists found that many places were suitable for farming. By the 1750s, there were some farmers in Massachusetts, but the vast majority settled in the southern or Middle-Atlantic region, especially in Virginia, Maryland, South Carolina, and Georgia.

Why were most ancient Greeks farmers?

They arrived as nomads, and settled on the land to secure a stable living as farmers. This changed over time as some turned to shepherding, fishing, trade, artisans and artists, but the core occupation of a city-state was farming, from which they got their daily bread.

What did settled societies used for farming?

Settled societies used tools such as plows, digging sticks, and sickles to farm. They also utilized irrigation systems to water crops and domesticated animals for labor. Additionally, they developed methods for preserving and storing food, such as drying and fermenting.