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because the communist government surrendered to popular pressure by opening its entire border with the west hundreds of thousands of east Germans armed across the border. families and friends who had not seen each other in decades were reunited. people on both sides of the wall began tearning it down the government, helpless before this popular uprising ordered the rest of the wall torn down. the Berlin Wall long symbol of the cold war was no more.

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Q: Why did the communist government order the Berlin wall to be torn down?
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Why did the Berlin Wall fail?

The wall didn't fail it was torn down in 1989 when the communist government of the Soviet Union failed.

What city did communist leaders divide into two parts after World War 2?

Berlin. It was divided into West Berlin (capitalist) and East Berlin (communist) by the Berlin Wall. The Berlin Wall was torn down in 1989, and East Berlin and West Berlin were formally reuinted in 1990.

Why was the Berlin was torn down?

The Berlin Wall was torn down because of travel issues. The Berlin Government wanted it torn down because they had to in order to make the new law. The new law was the law about travel for the two sides of Germany. the Government wanted to make the law so that the Germans could travel freely.

What side was the Berlin Wall torn down by?

The Berlin Wall was torn down by the East German government, who owned it.

Which historic event happened in November of 1989 in Western Europe?

The Communist government of Eastern Germany resigned, the Berlin Wall opened (and was later torn down), and Germany was reunified a year later.

The Berlin wall being torn down symbolized what?

The Berlin wall being tore down symbolized that communist rule was no longer splitting Berlin. It symbolized the end of the cold war signifying that the east - Russia - and the west - America - were on speaking terms working together.

Why did people want to escape the Berlin wall?

At the time of the Berlin wall it was a bid for freedom from the communist-held East Berlin that drove many to attempt to cross the wall.. finally when the wall was pulled down by the people of West Berlin, the unification of Germany began

Why was Berlin Wall was Berlin wall so controversial?

The Iron Curtain dividing East and West Germany (and the Eastern Bloc) from the West was completed in 1952. However, there was a gap - in Berlin, where they was freedom of movememt between East and West Berlin. At the Potsdam Conference in 1945 it had been agreed that Berlin was to adminstered as a whole by the four Allies. Of course, with the emergence of the Cold War this became impossible. Refugees and migrants of every kind poured through this gap, and East Germany was rapidly losing skilled people. In 1961 the East German government, in consultation with the Soviet government, built the Berlin Wall, in order to halt migration out of East Germany. It was of course an admission of failure. The Berlin Wall came to have a symbolic and emotional significance that went well beyond its actual importance.

Why was Berlin a cold war flashpoint between 1957 to 1963?

Because their was a wall down the Middle, separating East Germany and Berlin from West Germany and West Berlin. The East side was supported by the Soviets while the West side was supported by Americans.

When did the Berlin come down?

Berlin hasn't come down...

What action did Hitler take in order to leave a good impression on foreign visitors to the Olympics?

Hitler promised the International Olympic Committee that his government would take down anti-semitic signs and banners in Berlin.

What type of government does East Germany have?

When the Berlin Wall was built, the East German government was communist. Although other parties were allowed, these had to agree to submit to the leadership of the communist Sozialistische Einheitspartei Deutschlands (SED Socialist Unity Party of Germany). At the time the East German leader and General Secretary of the SED was Walter Ulbricht, but the the man charged with building the wall was Erich Honneker.Fittingly (and ironically) Honnecker was General Secretary of the SED and East German leader when the Wall came down.