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Us British have always been a 'nation of explorers' - that comes from living on an island. With the continued development of ships, we explored the furthest parts of the planet. On Captain James Cook's first voyage - although discovering many 'new' lands (Tahiti, New Zealand, Easter Island etc) - he was actually part of a scientific mission - to observe the path of the planet Venus across the face of the sun.

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because it was overcrowding in Britain and there wasnt any room to grow food. also there was alot of poverty

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10y ago

There is not one single reason why people left Great Britain. Some left looking to find their fortune in a new world, while others left looking for freedom from the rule of Great Britain.

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Q: Why did the british settlers leave Britain?
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Britain forced American sailors to serve in the British navy. (apex) -RDS(: Britain helped the Indians who were fighting against American settlers. Britain tried to limit American trade with France.

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Britain forced American sailors to serve in the British navy. (apex) -RDS(: Britain helped the Indians who were fighting against American settlers. Britain tried to limit American trade with France.

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the british army could not protect settlers from native americans

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Can you transfer from Irish army into british army?

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