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it was changed because the representitive sysetm had many corrupt leaders who only looked out for their own interests and personal gain instead of the territory they were given authority over.

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Q: Why did the british Caribbean change from the old representative system to crown colony system?
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Which British Caribbean countries Changed from Old Representative to Crown Colony System?

Jamaica,Montserrat, British Honduras, Tobago, st. Vincent, Greneda, st. Kitts and Nevis, Antigua, Dominica.

Who the most important British colony in Caribbean in 1600?


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Montserrat has never been owned by a colony. It is a British Overseas Territory that is located in the Caribbean. British control of Montserrat began in 163

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It was a British colony between the periods of 1655 to 1962. Jamaica also was under Spanish rule from 1509 to 1655, but the English captured this island in 1655.

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Which colony did not send a representative?

Georgia was the only colony not to send a delegate to Philadelphia in 1774. Georgia declined to send delegates because they were hoping for British assistance with Native American problems on its frontier and did not want to upset the British.

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What type of colony was self-governing? Royal colony Representative colony Proprietary colony Charter colon

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An agent general is a representative of a British colony in London or another foreign city, a term used to refer to countries under British rule in the 19th century.

What two European powers had central American colonies by the late 1600s?

In the 1600's the British established the colony of British Honduras, which is now Belize. The British also occupied the Caribbean coast of Nicaragua.

What two European powers had Central American colonies by late 1600?

In the 1600's the British established the colony of British Honduras, which is now Belize. The British also occupied the Caribbean coast of Nicaragua.

What was the first Caribbean island to gain independance?

The first island is Haiti in 1804, then Cuba in 1902, the Jamaica (first British colony) in 1962

Was the colony of Massachusetts a royal representative or proprietary colony?

Massachusetts was a royal colony. ~B~