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There could be several responses to the question.The truth might be far from known.The 911 attacks seem to be the prime motivation to wage war.Osama bin Laden believed to be involved in the 911 attacks and the founder of terrorist organization Al-Qaeda (Born in Saudi Arabia).It's debatable weather Iraqi terrorist Groups were involved in the attacks or not.It is also believed that United States had interest in removing Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq.In Dec 2003 Saddam Hussein was Captured near Tikrit and executed in 2006.Several attempts have been made to capture Osama-Bin Laden but none successful yet.

They also attacked Iraq for oil and gold.

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Q: Why did the United states lead a coalition to invade Iraq?
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Why did the United States lead a coalition to invade Iraq in 1991?

Answer this question…Iraq had invaded Kuwait.

Why did the US lead a coalition to invade Iraq in 1991?

Iraq had invaded Kuwait.

When did the United States invade Iraq?

United States military invasion of Iraq took place at dawn on March 20, 2003.

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The United States and The United Kingdom

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How long did it take U.S. and coalition forces to invade Iraq and topple Saddam Hussein's regime?

3 weeks

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The 2003 invasion of Iraq, (from March 20 to May 1, 2003) was led by the United States, alongside the United Kingdom and smaller contingents from Australia, Denmark and Poland.

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