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Q: Why did the Russia want to unite the Slavic people?
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Why did the Russians want to defend the Slavs?

Russians felt a cultural and historical connection to the Slavic peoples and saw them as fellow Eastern Europeans. Defending the Slavs was believed to strengthen Russia's influence in the region and protect their perceived interests. Additionally, supporting fellow Slavic nations helped bolster Russia's identity as a defender of Slavic values and traditions.

Why do you think Russian leadership in the Pan Slavic movement affected its relations with Britain?

Russian leadership in the Pan Slavic movement caused tension with Britain because the movement aimed to unify Slavic peoples, including those under Ottoman control - a region Britain had interests in. This led to competition between Russia and Britain for influence in the Balkans, contributing to strained relations.

Were do people live in Russia?

People live all throughout Russia. However, the majority of Russians live in Western Russia or all along the southern border of Russia.

Why did Greece people never unite under one government?

Because they didn't want to take the risk.

What did India want?

India always want all the people be unite. and suchthat it reaches its growth. The growth must be achieved only through peace

What did Joan of Arc want to accomplish?

She wanted to drive the British out of France, unite the French people aand return the French monarchy.

Did Hitler want people to be Jewish?

No, he wanted to eliminate Jews once and for all. He believed that his race was the superior race and that Germans should live all of the Slavic countries as lords.

Who migrates from Russia?

As a rule people who migrates from Russia, that`s people who can not find occupational work ( or work on their profession) such as engineers, programmers and other highly skilled professionals who are not in demand in Russia. People who want a dignified and secure life for themselves and their children. People who want to achieve something in life and believe in a brighter future. Basically - it's skilled or highly skilled specialists.

Does Russia's size affect its population?

Yes size affects the population because the more space Russia has the more people are going to want to live there.

You want to get the admission acca in russia online?

i want to get the admission in russia online how can i?

Which groups of people did Hitler want to exterminate?

The Jewish, Roma (Gypsies), the disabled, some of the Slavic peoples (Poles, Russians, and others), Communists, Socialists, Jehovah's Witnesses, and homosexuals.

What did Philip want to do?

he wanted to unite all greek under his rules