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They did not. Israel refused too.

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Q: Why did the Palestinians object to receiving only part of the mandate of Palestine?
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1948 After WW Two, the whole World realized the great loss Jews had endured on the hands of the Nazis. Traumatized by their loss and being uncertain of the future and what could happen to them if they stay in Europe, European Jews migrated to Palestine which was under the British mandate which did not object to their coming and accepted them for humanitarian reasons.

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You can determine if an object is receiving more heat than it is passing on by monitoring its temperature increase. If the object's temperature is rising, it is receiving more heat than it is passing on. If the object's temperature is dropping, it is passing on more heat than it is receiving. If the object's temperature remains constant, it is receiving and passing on heat at the same rate.

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The Balfour Declaration was very short, as follows:"His Majesty's Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country".This 'national home' was what the Zionists had been pursuing.

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To find the indirect object in a sentence, you can ask yourself: To/For whom or what is the action of the verb being done? Who is receiving the direct object? Is there an object that is receiving the action indirectly?

Whats the difference between indirect objects and direct objects?

A direct object receives the action of the verb, and an indirect object receives the direct object. Example: Maria kicked Jim the ball. "Ball" is receiving the action, "kicked". It is getting "kicked", so it is the direct object. "Jim" is receiving the "ball"- so "Jim" is the indirect object.

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Newton's Third Law.

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It is how many steps back you are from the object that is receiving the sound

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Receiving this object signifies trust, loyalty, and a deep connection in the giver. It may also symbolize a special occasion or a meaningful gesture meant to strengthen the bond between the giver and the recipient.

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You would be the indirect object. This is because the subject, book, is giving hours of fun, making that the direct object. You is receiving the object, therefore it is the indirect object.

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In this case, the word "show" is an intransitiveverb.Intransitive verbs are action verbs that do NOT have an object receiving the action. There is no object receiving the action of the verb "show" so the verb is intransitive.

What is a Palestinianism?

A Palestinian is a native or resident of Palestine, or a member of the Palestinian people.