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Before World War I, Yugoslavian countries were f***ed up (like today). They decided to unite in Yugoslavia, which was a monarchy. People had bad lifes, just like they did before the unification. During the World War II, Nazis occupied Yugoslavia, they created a nazi puppet state of Croatia, and they gave Bosnia to Croatia. It was controlled by the Croatian fascists, Ustašas, which was lead by Ante Pavelić. The Serbs had their own fascist movement, Četniks, lead by Draža Mihajlović. Josip Broz Tito gathered a small army of Partisans, and wanted to clear the country of Nazis and fascists. Even tho the partisans were heavily outnumbered, they won the war against German Nazis, Italian, Croatian, Serbian, Montenegrin and Bulgarian. Tito, with motto "Brotherhood and Unity" united the country again and he was praised like a God. Yugoslavia was made into one of the most developed countries of the World. Everyone had a good life, thanks to Tito, and communism, and only a small set of people didn't like Tito's regime. Those were the nationalists, the remnants of the WW2 Nazis. As soon as Tito died, they started to act. Slobodan Milošević, Serbian nationalist, took power of Yugoslavia. He wanted to create "Greater Serbia" out of Yugoslavia. He started to spread hatred amongst peoples of Yugoslavia. Franjo Tuđman, a Croatian nationalist, took control of Croatia, and did the same. Alija Izetbegović, Bosnian natioanalist did the same, too. Slovenia was the first Yugoslavian Republic to ask for indenpendence. Then Croatia did it, and Bosnia.

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12y ago
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13y ago

Well, Croatians, Bosnians, Serbs, and international forces.

Bosnian Croats declared a "Republic of Herzeg-Bosna" on the south of Bosnia, and wanted to break of from Bosnia. (with support from Croatia) Serbs declraed "Republic of Serbs", 50% of the Bosnian territory, and wanted to do the same like Croats. So Bosnians were fighting on 2 fronts, and then, because of war in Croatia, the Croats finally realized that they were too weak to fight off Serbia alone, so they stopped the attacks on Bosnia, and allied with them, and fought off Serbs out of Croatia and Bosnia.

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14y ago

The Bosnia war started when a guy from on country shot a really important guy from a nother country.

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14y ago

the serbians assingnatted the bosnian presiedent which started the war for 4 years.

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10y ago

Bosnia and Herzegovina were the two factions involved in the Bosnian War. It was an internal conflict involving ethnic cleansing.

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The war started sometime in April 1992 and ended in December 1995. Hope this helps!

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The Bosnian War commenced in Bosnia and Herzegovina which is in Europe and has a population of 4,621 598 people.The Bosnian War commenced in 1991 and lasted 4 years.

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