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The Australians took the aborigines land for the same reasons the U.S. took over the native American's land. They wanted it.

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Q: Why did the Australians take over the aborigines land?
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Related questions

Who invaded the aborigines?

Settlers wishing to take their land.

Were the aborigines angry when the white man wanted to take their land?

Yes they were. Because they loved their land so they don't wanted to lose it.

How much of the aborigines' land did James Cook take over?

James Cook claimed the eastern half of Australia, but he never actively "took over" the land himself. That only occurred when the First Fleet of convicts and officers arrived, and land clearing occurred, meaning that traditional tribal hunting grounds were taken over.

How can the plight of the native American be compared with the journey of the indigenous australians?

they both have been screwed with by other people trying to take over their land coz they are idiots and don't refuse them!

What happen to the Beothuk people?

Europeans were take over the land and the beothuk had to more in land

How were the aborigines affected when the British came?

The British originally looked upon Australia as "terra nullius", i.e. "no man's land". As far as the British colonists were concerned, this meant that they could take over whatever land they wanted, includng the best and most fertile land. They had no regard for the idigenous inhabitants of the country, and were prepared to ignore them and even co-exist with them as long as the Aborigines did not interfere with British settlement. However, as the Europeans took more and more land from the Aborigines, they couldn't hunt in their traditional grounds and attend sacred lands. In their need for water for stock and farms, the British destroyed the aboriginal fish traps, which were amazingly complicated designs to herd fish for easy hunting. The Aborigines resolved the problem of reduced hunting grounds by killing the European's livestock, as therer was no aboriginal concept of ownership. Resources were there for everyone to share. The Europeans reacted angrily by paying 'equal justice'; they killed and tortured numerous aborigines.

How many Australians does it take to screw in a light bulb?

Just one. Australians are very bright.

What do you call people that take over land that they do not own?

People who take over land that they do not own are often referred to as squatters.

To annex land means to?

take it over

What did the Australians hope to achieve by the gallipoli landing?

the aim of it was to reach the Turkish capital of constantinople and take i t over with british and austrailan troops

When did the Aborigines become full citizens of Australia?

Aborigines became British Citizens when Australia was claimed by Lieutenant James Cook in 1770. Aboriginal men in South Australia were given the vote in 1854 at the same time that all white South Australian men received the vote. Similarly, Aboriginal and White South Australian women received the vote in the 1890s. When Federation was declared in 1901 Aborigines were given the vote only those states in which they already had the vote, which was all states except Queensland and Western Australia. In 1948 all Australians, white and black, became Australian Citizens. In 1967 an overwhelming majority of Australians decided at a referendum that Aborigines should be counted in the census.

Did Athens take over land so the land would protect them in war?

the ancientGreeks ruled over Greece and Bulgaria and turkey.