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fear if 'domino theory' (spread of communism around the world, especialy south-East Asia and the us)

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Q: Why did president Johnson not want to allow Vietnam to go communist?
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Why did north and south Vietnam divide?

President Eisenhower did not allow an election.

Why did America want to protect the southern Vietnam from the communist northern vietnamese?

That is what the cold war was all about; containing communism (without having a nuclear war). We didn't want communism to spread. The communist's wanted to expand. Communist North Vietnam wanted to conquer South Vietnam...that's expansion; we couldn't allow that! So we fought a war about it.

Why did South and North Vietnam remain divided?

President Eisenhower did not allow an election.

what is the government religion in Vietnam?

They are a communist government still, and some countries with communism allow religion and some communist governments don't. The Vietnamese government has persecuted some religious people in their country.

Why the president of North Korea don't allow visitors?

Communists Leaders only allow visitors with the same communist lines,but not alls,only the Leaders ,Ambassadors, Ministers with previous acceptance by the Korean Communist Party.

What is the main religion in vietnam'?

Vietnam is a communist country and doesn't allow any religion to exist without strict regulations. The Catholics have a small following as well as a few Protestant denominations. The Budhists are the largest but are strictly watched.

What did the tonkin gulf resolution allow president johnson to do?

Take all measures needed to defend against armed attacks on U.S. forces; commence war against North Vietnam.

What are problems that led to the Vietnam War?

The "Cold War" was a battle against communism. North Vietnam was a communist country trying to take over South Vietnam which was NOT a communist country. The US was helping South Vietnam fight North Vietnam so that communist North Vietnam could NOT take it over.

Why did President Nixon think that US forces should not abruptly withdraw from Vietnam?

South Vietnam would not survive without the help of U.S, and it would not allow the U.S. to achieve peace with honor.

Why did the United States allow the Vietnam army to regroup and pull back it's forces?

If the question is referring to President Johnson's aerial "bombing halts", history should remember that President Johnson wanted to be remembered for creating a "great society" in America; he "hated" the Vietnam War, hated it so much HE REFUSED TO RUN FOR PRESIDENT AGAIN! The only president to ever take this action. President Johnson attempted to show his sincerity for peace by stopping the bombing in the hopes of bringing the North Vietnamese leadership back to the negotiating table. Instead of getting angry like President Nixon did, Johnson got frustrated instead. Which affected his health, and led him to no longer want to be President of the United States. The enemy was more like President Nixon, the North Vietnamese used those bombing halts to re-supply and repair and get ready for the next move! Nixon and Hanoi (capital of North Vietnam) were like heavy weight boxers, each determined to knock the other one out. President Johnson didn't want to box at all. He would have rather planted a garden of flowers, and then tend to it. This would be the comparision between President Johnson to Nixon and Hanoi. It was sad to see President Johnson on TV declining to our leader anymore, and sad to see that the war was destroying his health...but it felt pretty good to see "tricky Dick" (as he was called) Nixon send out those B-52's... If the question is referring to the bombing halts, conducted under the Johnson administration, those halts were designed to bring the North Vietnamese back to the negotiation tables. Which never worked of course.

What were problems with president Johnson?

When Andrew Johnson was president, slavery almost came about again (in fact many historians consider Johnson the most racist president in history). Things really got bad when the Congress left for summer vacation. President Johnson started passing bogus plans that the Republicans of the Congress (who held majority at that time) didn"t approve of. The republicans decided to take advantage of Johnson by passing a law (sorry forget what it was called) that didn"t allow Johnson to fire anyone in his Cabinet without their authorization. He fired William Seward, the secretary of war, anyway, thus he got impeached.

Why did the United state refuse to allow elections in Vietnam?

The United States believed (correctly) that if they allowed the South Vietnamese to vote in 1954-56, they would vote for reunification with the Communist North under the Communist government. Desiring to prevent the expansion of Communism, the US refused to allow the election to take place.