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To teach people about Christianity.

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Estevan Bartoletti

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To teach people about Christianity.

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Q: Why did missionaries travel to northern Europe?
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Why did missionaries travel northern Europe?

To teach people about Christianity.

What caused Christianity to spread to Britain Ireland and northern Europe?


What were the impacts of missionaries in the Early Middle Ages?

There was no impact of missionaries because there was no missionaries. Europe was all Catholic and travel outside of Europe didn't happen until the late 1400's so no missionaries were needed.

Why did missionaries travel to northern Rome?

To spread God's word to the natives.

What was one of the first missionaries to travel to northern Europe and converted many people in Britain and irelandn?

The Gregorian mission converted the people of Britain and Irelend to Christianity. The missionary sent was Augustine.

What were the significance of missionaries in the Early Middle Ages?

There was no significance to missionaries since there were no missionaries. All of Europe was Catholic and people didn't travel outside Europe until the late 1400's so a missionary wasn't needed to convert people.

Why did missionaries travel northen Europe?

The reason is because the Pope sent them North to teach people about Christianity.

Are missionaries from Europe?

Missionaries come from all over the world.

How many miles did the Crusaders travel from northern Europe to Jerusalem?

about 2500 miles

Which way is north from Italy?

North of Italy there are central Europe (Switzerland and southern Germany) and northern Europe (northern Germany, Denmark, Sweden and Norway. To travel to the rest of Europe you need to cross the Alps.

What body of water would you cross to travel from Africa and Europe?

The Mediterranean Sea borders northern Africa and southern Europe.

What is the significance of missionaries in Ancient Rome?

There is no significance to missionaries because they didn't exist. The whole of Europe was Catholic and travel outside of Europe didn't happen until the late 1400's so people didn't need missionaries to convert people.___Not all of Europe was Christian. Missionaries were sent out by the Church to convert the remaining areas like pockets in Scandanavia. John of Montecorvino went to China and established a mission in Peking in the early 1300's.