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Athens would go to war against city-states in the Delian League if they tried to leave the league. Also Athens forced members of the league to pay tribute to rebuild Athens after the Persian War.
-Ava :)

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Originally they willingly made an annual voluntary monetary contribution to the League to protect them from the Persians. Athens began to ruthlessly enforce these payments, sending out a fleet to collect the money each year, by force where necessary.

After peace was made with Persia after 20 years, Athens continued to enforce the payments, moved the League treasury from Delos to Athens, and spent the money on itself - building the Parthenon, putting half its own population on the public payroll, and maintaining a war fleet to enforce the collections. As Pericles admitted, they turned the league into an empire of Athens.

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Q: Why did members of the Delian league get mad at Athens?
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