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Loyalists opposed independence because they were still loyal to England and the king, even once they left. They believed that England still ruled them so they stayed loyal.

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Q: Why did loyalists oppose independence?
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What the name for those who oppose independence?

Loyalists- because they remain loyal to a King or Queen.

Did loyalist oppose independence?

Loyalists opposed independence because they were still loyal to England and the king, even once they left. They believed that England still ruled them so they stayed loyal.

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the loyalists were vary hart broken when America got its independence

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Those who remained loyal to Britain were known as loyalists, or United Empire Loyalists.

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They opposed the Revolution. (Loyalists were loyal to Britain.)

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The loyalists were people who opposed the war for independence while the patriots were American colonists who wanteed the independence

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Loyalists is one term.

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The patriots were for independence. Those who were loyal to the king were called loyalists.

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The Declaration of Independence

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