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never ever come to this is such a lame website it doesnt ever give you the answer that is so stupid learn to use the website right and put the answers also because this website is gay

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Q: Why did casimir pulaski come to the United State?
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Why did casimir pulaski came to the US?

to come and help the U.S army in battle.

Were did the ku klux Klan come from country?

The United States. Pulaski, Tennessee, in 1865.

What state was the first Easter bunny come from?

united state

Why do you think aliens come to the united state?

because they are the invader of the united states and they came to life

How did today's state of Missouri come to be part of the united state?

The answer will not be share it Top Secert to the Government

What was the very first state to come in to the United States?

the very first state to come into the U.S. was massechusstess Delaware, admitted to the Union on friday, Dec 7, 1787.

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Sydelle was a stupid 50 yr old and money did not come to her and crow

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Lincoln wanted the south to come and be a united state again.

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What number of state did Oklahoma come into the United States of America?

Oklahoma became the 46th US State on Saturday, 16 November 1907.

What country does KFC come from?

KFC began as Kentucky Fried Chicken in the state of Kentucky in the United States.

What is the national law on illegal immigrants?

they send you back to your country and you not allowed to come back to United State....