They both opposed each other for centuries as to who would control Southeastern Europe. Additionally, there were huge cultural, religious, political, and economic differences between the two empires.
It was a problm, however, for Austria. Austria was a German-speaking nation, but there were people from many nationalities within the empire. Each nationality felt the spirit of nationalism and tried to revolt against Austria.
There were about 15 different administrative parts, about 13 nations or nationalities,of 5 religions. The biggest "nationality was the Hungarian with the intention of independence from the beginning. So, the Habsburgs' main enemy was inside, but they had a lot of enemies because they had been almost continuously in war with one of their neighbours through the centuries.
The unification of Germany Rebellions in Austria The unification of Italy Rebellions in Austria
The unification of Germany Rebellions in Austria The unification of Italy Rebellions in Austria
Prussia and Austria
He thinks that Austria would resist unification and weaken a unified Germany. -Apex
It's called "der Anschluss"
Vereinigung mit Österreich
Northern Italy was controlled by Austria.