Anime started in early 20th century in Japan when the Japanese experimented on animation techniques. The Japanese used animation to show live-action storylines. By 1970s, manga (Japanese comics) were getting popular and anime production companies decided to turn them into live-action animation, thus creating anime.
Japanese Cartoon/animation mainly just for Japan to have their own style of Cartoons. and it so happened to be a popular fad elsewhere and became better than American Cartoons
In Africa thousands of years ago.
Animism is a concept found in many cultures throughout the world. It did not originate from any single location and predates civilization and the building of cities.
Start seeing the workings of the world in terms of beings animating it, but these beings exist in the mind, start sharing those beings so that others can see them, once they are shared, animism can be shared and there you have 'Animism'.
teachings of animism
There is no founder of Animism.
Subterranean Animism happened in 2008.
Subterranean Animism was created on 2008-08-16.
Animism reflect west Africans dependence on the natural world
animism is the belief that all plants, animals and objects have sprit.
The religious authority in the religion of animism is called a shaman.
religions that believe in reincarnation believe in animism, not the other way around