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Q: Why did Spain give up its right to rule in South America?
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What was the Treaty of Toresillas?

Wasn't that the treaty that divided the land discovered in present day America by Spain and Portugal? If so then it was a line drawn to give Portugal and Spain separate parts so that they would not fight over it. they received parts of south America. that is why you fine some people in Brazil and other South Am. countries speaking Portuguese

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Tomatoes Potatoes ....

What European countries controlled South America?

i don't give any lien rippes about south America becaus i live in the north America. -Don't listen to that idiot. There were two countries that controled south america. Spain and Portugal. South america was split down the middle by the pope (cant remember which one) and the land was divided up for Spain and Portugal to stop the fighting. That is why brazil speaks portuguese and the rest speaks spanish.

What agreement gave Americans the right to deposit in New Orleans?

the agreement was called pickney's treaty. Spain agreed to give America the right of deposit of New Orleans mainly because they were afraid of a US/Great Britain alliance

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Brizil is to South America as is to North America?

United States of AmericaPS If I give you a wrong answer I am sincerely sorry. ;.;

Which continents does the ring of fire border?

Asia, Australia, North America, and South America boarders

Did the Spanish have to give money to America after losing the Spanish-American War?

No, the US purchased the Philippines for $20 million from Spain.

Give me a sentence for word beach?

Africa and South America has the best sunny beaches in the world.

How long does it take to fly from South America to Florida?

around 6 hours give or take