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Prussia did not fall; it became the German Empire through the annexation of all of the German states (sans Austria). The German Empire, which was the most powerful country in Europe in 1914, was ultimately defeated in World War I for several reasons. Probably the most significant reasons that the German Empire was defeated was the entry of the United States in 1917, the effective destruction of the Germany's ally the Ottoman Empire, and resource exhaustion at home. The Treaty of Versailles further solidified Germany's weakened position and forced it to remain less powerful.

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9y ago

Prussia never fell. Prussia led the impetus for the unification of the German Statelets and Principalities into one united German Empire, of which the Prussian King would rule. People stopped calling it Prussia when it became the German Empire.

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Prussia rose to power after being controlled by the House of Hohenzollern. Prussia was finally abolished officially in 1947.

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11y ago

St. Marias Religious Order ---> German Teuctonic Knights ----> A bunch of crazy stuff happened ----> Prussia

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Q: Why did Prussia fall when it was a world superpower?
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