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Polyphemus the Cyclops prayed to Poseidon rather than Zeus because Poseidon was the father of the cyclops.

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Q: Why did Polyphemus pray to Poseidon instead of Zeus?
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Did Polyphemus pray to Zeus to seek revenge against Odysseus?

Yes, Polyphemus did pray to his father Poseidon, not Zeus, seeking revenge against Odysseus for blinding him. Poseidon was the god of the sea and earthquakes, and he proceeded to punish Odysseus for his actions.

What does Polyphemus think of Zeus?

Polyphemus reveres Zeus as the most powerful of all the gods in Greek mythology. He would pray to Zeus for assistance in his endeavors and offerings were made to honor him. Polyphemus believed Zeus to be the supreme ruler of the gods and the one deserving of his respect and fear.

What does the Cyclopes pray for?

In literature, the Cyclopes pray for revenge against Odysseus for blinding Polyphemus, their brother. They invoke their father, Poseidon, for help in seeking revenge.

What major flaw does Odysseus make after he escapes from Polyphemus?

One major flaw Odysseus makes after escaping from Polyphemus is bragging about his feat while still within earshot of the Cyclops. This leads Polyphemus to call upon his father, Poseidon, to curse Odysseus and prolong his journey home.

Why won't anyone help Polyphemus?

Before Polyphemus (name means many loud shouts) is blinded by Odysseus, he asks him his name as he has a gift for him. Odysseus tells Polyphemus his name is "Nobody." When the other Cyclops ask Polyphemus why he is shouting and ask if he is being attacked, Polyphemus tells them, "Nobody is attacking me," so they all think it is an affliction sent by the Gods and tell him to pray to his father Poseidon for relief.

Who did Zeus pray for?

Zeus did not pray as he was considered the King of the Gods

Which god does the Cyclops pray to when he asks that Odysseus lose all men and have a rough journey home?

The Cyclops prays to Poseidon, the god of the sea, when he asks that Odysseus lose all his men and have a rough journey home. Poseidon holds a grudge against Odysseus for blinding the Cyclops, who is his son.

Who does the cyclops pray to?


How did Polyphemus die?

Polyphemus blames his death on "Nobody" and his friends. "Nobody" is what Odysseus tells him his name is. When Polyphemus tells his friend that Nobody is killing him they don't believe him. They take it as no one is killing him. They say Poseidon (their father) has sent the plague to him. His friends tell him to pray to their father!

What does polythemus pray to?

Poseidon (aka Neptune).

What did humans have to do for Poseidon?

they had to pray for all the gods

What are the roles of ancient Greek gods?

they were used to explain things they didnt understand such as earthquakes they believed earthquakes happened when poseidon was mad, or storms when zeus needed more people to pray to him or he is mad.