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well first because he and his followers believe the west is evil and the attack was part of their fight against that evil. Secondly he is an terrorist.

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Because a 747 jet hit and the jet fuel caught fire and blew up

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Q: Why did Osama bin Laden bomb the World Trade Center buildings?
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Who destroyed the trade center?

Osama Bin Laden

Who are the attackers of The World Trade Center?

osama bin laden and his men

What is Osama bin Laden most famous for?

Osama Bin Laden is most well-known for the attack on the World Trade Center on 9/11.

How many people did Osama bin Laden have killed?

osama bin laden has killed millions of people by breaking down the world trade center.

Who commanded to destroy The World Trade Center?

Osama Bin Laden destoyed it.

Was the world trade center blown up on purpose?

Yes. Osama Bin Laden ordered suicide bombers to crash planes into the WTC (amongst other buildings).

Who are responsible at 1993 World Trade Center?

al qaeda leader osama bin laden

Who demolished The World Trade Center?

Osama bin Laden's terrorist network, known in Arabic as Al Qaeda, attacked and destroyed the World Trade Center. 2,595 people in and near the buildings were killed, along with 147 passengers and crew members.

Was Osama bin Laden involved in the crash of The World Trade Center buildings?

Strong Intel from Israel and France (especially), plus input from Saudi sources, as well as Bin Laden's own admission and personal knowledge of facts not released to the general public make it certain that Osama Bin Laden was instrumental in orchestrating and managing the 9/11 strike on the WTC and the Pentagon.

Who owned the world trade towers when it was attacked?

The World Trade Center was a complex of seven buildings in Lower Manhattan in New York City that were destroyed in the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. Owners was the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. The towers opened on April 4, 1973 and destroyed on September 11, 2001.

Why was it so important to kill Osama bin Laden?

Osama Bin Laden planned the attack of 9/11 in New York against the 2 world trade buildings (Tragic Tragic story) and he was also behind a lot of other attacks too

Did Hitler cause 9 11 attacks on The World Trade Center?

No, Hitler didn't cause the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade center. Osama Bin Laden started it.