General distrust of American intentions, even if these look "well intentioned".
Mexico lost half its territory and the US gained access to the Pacific. Both countries lost thousands of men (mostly volunteers) and at least to this date, provided Mexicans with a good reason to distrust any US involvement with Mexico.
Mexico is known for poinsettias, the plants get their name in the United States due to Joel Poinsett. Joel Poinsett during the 1820s was the first US Minister to Mexico.
I don't know .
In the 1820s, most residents of Texas were Mexican nationals. I presume they supported the government of Mexico (although there were Mexicans who fought with the Americans at Alamo). I suspect that most of the Americans living in Texas in the 1820s supported slavery and independence (slavery was illegal in Mexico).
I don't know .
1820s and 1830s in the western United States and northern Mexico
640 acres
Mexicans have a distrust of Yankees (Americans).
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